This is a clutch i made for a friend for Christmas. The pattern is from the Meet Me at Mike's book. They are very simple. I used some leftover Anna Maria Horner fabric and some soft denim. I was on a bit of a roll and made a few. Might have to keep one for myself.
This will be my last post for 2009. The year that I discovered the blog world and became hooked. I still have about 3 things to make for Christmas gifts so will be very busy over the next week. I'm really looking forward to a nice relaxing time in Wagga with my family and friends, chilling out by the pool, drinking copious amounts of champagne and maybe a few sleep ins as well..... Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all have a safe and happy break.......thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments, they really make my day.... xx
OMG is exactly what I said when I opened this big box of surprises. This is my Polka Dot Christmas Swap from Maxine.
Inside was lots of spotty stuff including pencils, notebook, patty pans, tissue pack, napkins, gorgeous paper chain making kit which I just love and can't wait to make with the kids.....but wait there's more....lots more!
This funky Christmas wreath made with tied fabrics pieces in my fave Chrissy colours. This was perfect because slack old me didn't even have anything on our front door.
How cute are these hand made decorations for the tree, those little gnomes or men are just too sweet! I love them.
Some dotty fabric, stickers and treats for the kids....
And a special gift just for me to open on the 25th..
And last but certainly not least, this gorgeous bunting in red and aqua.
I am one very lucky chickie, thank you Maxine, you certainly have spoilt me and I'm so, so pleased you did.
So I went into Tessuti for some simple supplies and out I come with this 2 metre Florence Broadhurst remnant for $25. It is a stretch cotton, the print is quite large, it's continuous and runs down. I'm thinking a maxi dress or an oversize T shirt is in order. Gotta be happy with that!
How lovely are these clay decorations my friend Vicki made me? She presented me with this gorgeous box full of hand made Christmas tags and decorations.
A special one for each of my children....
some tiny hugs and kisses to tie onto pressies or sew onto clothing or wire onto wine glasses. (she tells me they are quite dishwasher proof)
and some tags for pressies or the in every reindeer!
How lucky am I?.......thanks Vick, a Christmas cake is coming your way soon, I promise!
I haven't been sewing much lately, it's one of those weeks where I start something and things get in the way or I run out of black thread and interfacing. Our nearest spotlight is nearly half an hour away and I just can't contemplate taking a pram and two kids in there with all of the crazy's out shopping at Christmas. I'm just going to have to forget about it this week and get over it.
What I did manage to send off last week is this little polka dot swap for Maxine in the UK. She received it yesterday so I can safely blog it. She said she loved it and that we have similar taste so I can't wait to receive mine.........thanks Stacey for hosting the Xmas swap.
For my swap partner I made some rounded spotty Christmas bunting, some button hair ties, covered buttons in my fave fabric, some spotty fats from spotlight, a handmade Prints Charming linen decoration for the tree and an eco friendly shopping bag secretly disguised as a strawberry (ahhh the things people think of??)
And here is one of Harvey's very best creations, it is our whole family standing under the Christmas tree that we just set up. He is spending lots of time drawing at the moment which I just love, he has also done a couple of red fat santas on paper which I hope to do something special with. Don't you just love Rosa down the bottom?
It was Charlie's turn this year to put the star on the tree (or so he tells me).
And Charlie's Christmas concert at school where he proudly donned a hand made tree covering the perfectly cut wide legged green pants I made him and his green k-mart t shirt......why do we stress so much about these outfits???? most of the other kids wore their green school pants and here is me up til midnight the night before stressing about the perfect coloured green to match his beautifully painted tree......