Saturday, September 26, 2009
Rosa's bunting has been finished for a while but without a camera for a week I was unable to photograph............My camera was found which made me one very happy girl. It is so hard to get a good photo of bunting as it is so loooooong but you get the idea.

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Rosebud
I would love to show you some of my newest stash, however, silly me lost my camera at Charlie's sports carnival on hoo, I'm really sad! especially since he won and it was his first ever race. I really hope someone hands it in. In the meantime here are some resin buttons I bought at the Sydney Stitches and Craft earlier this year. I really love the colours, haven't quite put them to good use yet.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
A couple of Amy Butler fat quarters were one of my finds in Bowral on the week end. My Place is a gorgeous little shop which is a must see if you are ever in the area. It's Rosa's birthday on Sunday so I'm thinking of a doll size quilt for her dolly cradle which I have not even bought yet...
And this I just absolutely's a pillow cover with hand embroidered animals and girls. I think is was made by hand in India in a very cheap hessian type fabric from a shop called Monkey Monky ????? Very colourful and so cute.
Beautiful Bowral
This week end was spent with our beautiful friends in Bowral. Simon and Susie and their two gorgeous children Jack and Isabella moved there almost 12 months ago, we have finally made the short trek inland to see why they rave about their fabulous tree change. The kids had the BEST ever time, enjoying the simple things in life......lots of fun, laughter, exploring and adventure was had by all and I can honestly say I rarely see my children that pooped from soooo much play. Their property is so lovely with amazing gardens, sweeping green lawns, hedges, flowers, a pool, a pond and a ride on mower just to top it all off. It was really nice to "stop and smell the roses" (or should I say magnolias) and slowly take it all in. While the big boys were out playing golf, we ladies lounged about in our pjs reading home mags, chatting and watching the kids play........what a perfect Sunday morning........
Harvey and Charlie squirting Jack....yes that's right no water restrictions...
Friday, September 11, 2009
Bye baby BUNTING
Yesterday I started working on some bunting for Rosa's room. I love the rounded edges, Prints Charming style. Feels good to be using up some of my older fabrics and some new ones as well. I will hopefully post my finished product on Sunday. I am off to Bowral to visit some friends this weekend so hopefully my Sunday Stash will be something new.....shouldn't be too hard to shop in Bowral.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Beehive Blocks
I am currently working on a few 8 1/2" blocks for the Beehive quilting bee I have joined. Here are my first two blocks for Mel . This is my first foray into log cabin piecing, I really enjoyed getting away from my usual squares and rectangles (hang on...this IS squares and rectangles, but anyone who knows my style of quilting will know what I mean) and am looking forward to 12 more interesting (scary) styles.......mmmmm much to learn.. Lucky I am last on the list, I have heaps of time...(like 12months) to decide on fabrics and what style I am after.

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Something for the boy
Just a few of new and old stash pieces almost ready to make a quilt for Charlie......yes Lea, I stole your Prints Charming check for the photo, I'll get some more next week. I think it is going to work well in this one......thanks for that! Thinking of just doing 6 1/2 inch squares and diagonal quilting it myself.

Warm Fingers
Here's my eldest son Charlie, he was pottering around with me in the sewing room on the week end, begging me to help him make some mittens just like his friend's at school. We found some scraps of batting and cut some very wonky odd shaped mitts for him to sew on the machine.....well he pressed the foot and I guided the fabric....they are hideous but he obviously loves them.....(I'm pretty sure they are NOT like his friends Ben Ten mittens)

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